FCAG sponsored a featured speaker on Feb. 24th, 2013 at Longfellow Middle School.
Prof. Arthur Benjamin ( http://www.math.hmc.edu/~benjamin/ ) gave speech to about around 400 audiences ( planned for 200 audiences).
Prof. Arthur first showed a new ‘invisible’ card magic he never disclosed before. Then he conduced his routine mental math for about 1 hour.
The audiences interacted with Prof. Benjamin very well last night. Audiences asked what is his Ph. D. thesis about (operational research).
How many of his fast speeds are from calculations or momerization? How many digits of Pi can he momerize?
Prof. Benjamin showed his magic sequare and disclose the secrete to audience. It is a free reward to those audience came out to this speech at Sunday night.
During the speech, Franklin, Cindy and several other students were invited to come to the front to help. Cindy also showed her momerizing of pi to 60 digits.
It is a great event. so many young students as well as their parents showed up.
Prof. Benjamin also brought lots of his DVD published by the greatcourses.com ( http://www.thegreatcourses.com/greatcourses.aspx )
Mental Math, Joy of Mathematics, and discrete Math. Prof. came to the greatcourses to record his new course – Games and Puzzles.
We will expect to see this new course DVD in early summer. π
We bought mental math and joy of math recently. We got Prof. Benjamin’s signatures on our books accompanied the DVD.
My two kids also took pictures with Prof. Benjamin. If they still love math after they grow up, they can go to Harvey Mudd college to study math from Prof. Benjamin there. π
If you haven’t heard of Prof. Arthur Benjamin, please view it at:
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