Every year, about 750 takes the screening Test WCPT, about 100 gifted students , who scored at least 1100 of Verbal and math, from all over the United States apply to EEP. However, each fall, only 25-40 applicants are admitted. These applicants are qualified through the … [Read more...]
What is Early Entrance Program (EEP)?
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology have been ranked #1 for past three years. Most parents of Gifted kids want their kids to get into TJ and then go to top, selective colleges, Ivey Leagues the best. But most parents don't know there are other choices for … [Read more...]
Virginia’s Mary Baldwin College Program for the Exceptionally Gifted (PEG)
Here at our Virginia, there is an excellent early college entrance program for girl only. Mary Baldwin College Program for the Exceptionally Gifted (PEG) – Early Entrance Basics PEG is a fully supervised residential program for highly gifted young women, housed on the campus of … [Read more...]
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science the biggest early college entrance program
Location Denton, Texas, USA Information Type Residential Public Established 1987 Principal Dr. Richard Sinclair Grades 11th and 12th Enrollment around 200 per year Campus size 869 acres (3.3 km²) Campus Suburban Website http://www.tams.unt.edu/ … [Read more...]
Simon’s Rock-Recent Graduate and Professional School Placements
American University Bennington College Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Duke University Evergreen State College Georgetown University George Washington University Harvard … [Read more...]
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science is one the best and biggest Early Entrance program in USA. Every year. http://www.tams.unt.edu/ TAMS has been a critically-acclaimed program since its inception in 1987. The students represent the entire range of Texas cultures and … [Read more...]
Different types of College Early Entrance Programs in US
Direct to College - This group of programs generates Bachelor’s Degrees for students that successfully complete them. They are also aimed at some of the youngest students, allowing them to effectively skip most or all of high school. The three programs in this group are EEP, … [Read more...]