What parents should know at the beginning of school year? Most parents think about the school staples, school buses, teachers, etc. As a parent, you also should know that there are many tests at the beginning of school year. here is the testing calendar by grade for parent to … [Read more...]
Fairfax County Public Schools elections (2015)
Both Republicans and Democrats have started their election efforts. Here are some links to the election: Fairfax County Public Schools elections (2015) 2015 Fairfax County Public Schools Elections General Election date: November 3, 2015 Twelve seats on the Fairfax County Public … [Read more...]
Gender Identity Curriculum Angers Parents in Virginia
This year there are several big things that affect everyone. One is the superior court passes the same sex marriage law. The second is that Fairfax County Public School Board approved the lessons about homosexuality and gender identify in its Family Life Education curriculum. … [Read more...]
Back to School Night thought
Yesterday was my daughter's school's back to school night for K-3 grade. There are some new changes compared to my son's 4 year back. More and more computers are used even in younger grades. My daughter is in 1st grade. My wife is doing volunteer work at the school computer lab. … [Read more...]
Fairfax Abilities Test (FxAT)
What is the Fairfax Abilities Test (FxAT)? Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) will be introducing a new Fairfax Abilities Test (FxAT) to 2nd Graders this fall. This new test is replacing the previously used Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The FxAT is a customized form of … [Read more...]
Top Private School in Northern Virginia
Nysmith sends more students to TJ every year. It's very good. Potomac is also a good school. Some Longfellow students turn down TJ to attend Potomac. Flint Hill is also good. --------------------------- Nysmith School Head of School: Kenneth Nysmith - blog@nysmith.com … [Read more...]
Top 100 Northern Virginia Elementary School Scores on Standards of Learning
Top 100 N.Va. Elementary School Scores on Standards of Learning This chart ranks the top Virginia elementary schools in the Washington, D.C., area. Ranked schools had complete data for the number of students rating "advanced" on state tests of reading and math. Rank Elementary … [Read more...]
Prepare for Cogat and NNAT test
Criticalthinking company publishes many books to prepare you for Cogat and NNAT test required by GT screening. http://www.criticalthinking.com/searchBykeyword.do?code=p&catalog=p&searchKey=Cognitive%20Abilities%20Test&directory=test&gclid=CIX47ZKplJoCFQNfFQodwiF1Lg … [Read more...]
CTY SCAT Scores – WISC better
The SCAT isn’t used for much. I think it’s considered rather coachable. I’ve had my children take it, and qualify for those programs, but I wouldn’t assume anyone would put a lot of weight on it other than for CTY. It is a single data point. For GT identification in school, a … [Read more...]