Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology have been ranked #1 for past three years. Most parents of Gifted kids want their kids to get into TJ and then go to top, selective colleges, Ivey Leagues the best. But most parents don't know there are other choices for … [Read more...]
The only dedicated early entrance four year college for the high schoolers
If you come to this page, you might be interested in the early entrance program. SRC is one of the leading college for highly motivated students to skip high schools and start college … [Read more...]
college destination of TJ graduate ordered by numbers of attendences
Here's the list by most students attending: University of Virginia (116) William & Mary (34) Virginia Tech (27) Duke (25) Princeton (14) Carnegie-Mellon (11) MIT (10) Cornell (8) Dartmouth (8) Nortre Dame (8) Stanford U (7) University of Southern California (5) Johns Hopkins U … [Read more...]
College Destinations for TJHSST Class of 2005
Destinations for TJHSST Class of 2006 ----- The "senior issue" of tjToday, the TJHSST (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, in Alexandria, VA, a selective competitive governor's school, and a public school) came out includes a list of where each of … [Read more...]
The college Destination of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia 2006
TJHSST '06 Destinations --- Amherst College (1) Arizona State University (1) Bates College (1) Beloit College (1) Boston College (2) Bostn University (3) Brandeis Univeristy (2) Brighan Young University (5) Brown University (4) California Institute of Technology (1) Carnegie … [Read more...]
Simon’s Rock-Recent Graduate and Professional School Placements
American University Bennington College Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Duke University Evergreen State College Georgetown University George Washington University Harvard … [Read more...]