What parents should know at the beginning of school year? Most parents think about the school staples, school buses, teachers, etc. As a parent, you also should know that there are many tests at the beginning of school year. here is the testing calendar by grade for parent to … [Read more...]
Fairfax Abilities Test (FxAT)
What is the Fairfax Abilities Test (FxAT)? Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) will be introducing a new Fairfax Abilities Test (FxAT) to 2nd Graders this fall. This new test is replacing the previously used Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The FxAT is a customized form of … [Read more...]
How to get into CSULA’s EEP program?
Every year, about 750 takes the screening Test WCPT, about 100 gifted students , who scored at least 1100 of Verbal and math, from all over the United States apply to EEP. However, each fall, only 25-40 applicants are admitted. These applicants are qualified through the … [Read more...]
Prepare for Cogat and NNAT test
Criticalthinking company publishes many books to prepare you for Cogat and NNAT test required by GT screening. http://www.criticalthinking.com/searchBykeyword.do?code=p&catalog=p&searchKey=Cognitive%20Abilities%20Test&directory=test&gclid=CIX47ZKplJoCFQNfFQodwiF1Lg … [Read more...]
Cogat Test practise and Sample question
You can find the Cogat Test detail, practise and sample question here: http://www.riverpub.com/products/cogAt/pricing_pretest.html#1 http://www.riverpub.com/products/cogAt/details.html … [Read more...]
CTY SCAT Scores – WISC better
The SCAT isn’t used for much. I think it’s considered rather coachable. I’ve had my children take it, and qualify for those programs, but I wouldn’t assume anyone would put a lot of weight on it other than for CTY. It is a single data point. For GT identification in school, a … [Read more...]