Right now, it is the time to take some online classes: AIME A and B, AMC10 AMC12 classes are signed up quickly: http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/school/schedule … [Read more...]
Last Two Years:
I have been concentrating on my son's middle school math last two years. It is pretty fruitful: My son took January 28, 2012 SAT I . He was 8 year 11 month old. He scored 700 on math section. ( http://cty.jhu.edu/set/index.html ) He took AMC 8 on November 23, 2012 and … [Read more...]
Feb. 24th, 2013. Longfellow Middle School, Math Magician -Prof. Arthur Benjamin
FCAG sponsored a featured speaker on Feb. 24th, 2013 at Longfellow Middle School. Prof. Arthur Benjamin ( http://www.math.hmc.edu/~benjamin/ ) gave speech to about around 400 audiences ( planned for 200 audiences). Prof. Arthur first showed a new 'invisible' card magic he never … [Read more...]
How to use the AMC report generator to find your information.
go to following link: http://amc-reg.maa.org/Reports/GeneralReports.aspx you find lots of helpful information from there. 1. You choose a contest from there. You can find: AMC 10/12 02/05/2013 AMC 8 11/13/2012 AIME II 03/28/2012 AIME 03/15/2012 AMC 10/12 B 02/22/2012 AMC … [Read more...]
AMC 10, 2013
AMC 10a, 2013 was taken on Feb. 5th 2013 evening at Luther Jackson Middle School with the help of FCAG.org. FCAG invited those who scored high on AMC 8 to take AMC 10 free. Most of them are young students in Elementary Schools and Middle Schools. Some High Schools like Thomas … [Read more...]
AMC 8, 2012 sponsored by FCAG
2012 AMC 8 (http://amc.maa.org/e-exams/e4-amc08/amc8.shtml) was held on Nov. 13, 2012. It was Tuesday. My son took AMC 8 through FCAG sponsored free AMC 8 test. (FCAG is a non-profit organization helping gifted and talented kids and their parents in Fairfax county. Actually, they … [Read more...]
scored 700+ on math section of SAT when 8 year old
My son has followed Terence Tao and Lanhard Ng that became only three children in the history of the Johns Hopkins' Study of Exceptional Talent program to have achieved a score of 700 or greater on the SAT math section while just 8 years old. He became a SET member when he just … [Read more...]
Johns Hopkins CTY SET program Eligibility
Students qualify for SET by taking the SAT before age 13 and scoring at least 700 on either the Math or Verbal (Critical Reading) test. Students who take the SAT after their 13th birthday may qualify for SET by scoring an additional 10 points above 700 for each month after … [Read more...]
Terence Tao
Fields Medal is the highest award in Math field. It is considered the Nobel Prize in math. Terence Tao is one of the youngest to receive this prize - 31 year old. In August 2006, at the 25th International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid, he became one of the youngest, the … [Read more...]