Johns Hopkins Math Tournament Feb. 27th, we went to JHU the first to attend the JHMT. We have heard of JHMT for a while. My friend's son Victor Xu has won my award in JHMT. It is the first time I visited JHU campus. It was in a cold Feb. Saturday. The Campus doesn't look as … [Read more...]
Why go to TJ?
Why are Asian parents so crazy about TJ? Is TJ really good for your kid? In recently years, University of Virginia has reduced its admission of TJ graduates from more than 100 to around 70. It also increase the GPA requirement. Many very bright kids were turned town by UVA for … [Read more...]
The college Destination of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia 2006
TJHSST '06 Destinations --- Amherst College (1) Arizona State University (1) Bates College (1) Beloit College (1) Boston College (2) Bostn University (3) Brandeis Univeristy (2) Brighan Young University (5) Brown University (4) California Institute of Technology (1) Carnegie … [Read more...]
Simon’s Rock-Recent Graduate and Professional School Placements
American University Bennington College Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Duke University Evergreen State College Georgetown University George Washington University Harvard … [Read more...]
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science
Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science is one the best and biggest Early Entrance program in USA. Every year. TAMS has been a critically-acclaimed program since its inception in 1987. The students represent the entire range of Texas cultures and … [Read more...]
Different types of College Early Entrance Programs in US
Direct to College - This group of programs generates Bachelor’s Degrees for students that successfully complete them. They are also aimed at some of the youngest students, allowing them to effectively skip most or all of high school. The three programs in this group are EEP, … [Read more...]