Destinations for TJHSST Class of 2006 ----- The "senior issue" of tjToday, the TJHSST (Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology, in Alexandria, VA, a selective competitive governor's school, and a public school) came out includes a list of where each of … [Read more...]
Phillips Exeter Academy – One of the best private high school that can compete with TJHSST
As Phillips Academy in Andover, Phillips Exeter Academy, a co-educational residential school serving 1000 students in grades 9 through 12, and post-graduate level is the best private high school. Exeter, founded in 1781 by John Phillips, has a tradition of academic excellence, a … [Read more...]
One of the best private high school that can compete with TJHSST
The best private high school. President George W. Bush graduated from this high school. Many senators, CEOs, judges, lawyers graduate from there. Most its graduates go to the top private colleges. Mostly Ivy leagues. Phillips Academy in Andover. Residential secondary school. New … [Read more...]
The college Destination of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Virginia 2006
TJHSST '06 Destinations --- Amherst College (1) Arizona State University (1) Bates College (1) Beloit College (1) Boston College (2) Bostn University (3) Brandeis Univeristy (2) Brighan Young University (5) Brown University (4) California Institute of Technology (1) Carnegie … [Read more...]
Simon’s Rock-Recent Graduate and Professional School Placements
American University Bennington College Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Duke University Evergreen State College Georgetown University George Washington University Harvard … [Read more...]
Different types of College Early Entrance Programs in US
Direct to College - This group of programs generates Bachelor’s Degrees for students that successfully complete them. They are also aimed at some of the youngest students, allowing them to effectively skip most or all of high school. The three programs in this group are EEP, … [Read more...]