High School Four years Plan
美国高中四年规划(完整版,值得收藏) 在新实施的美国大学联盟申请系统中,从高中一年级开始规划变得尤为重要。为了帮助要在美国上大学的孩子们更好地规划高中四年(国内的初三和三年高中)的课程和活动,以便在申请大学时成竹在胸,我们收集了美国高中四年规划的资料,进行了编辑、整理,与关心教育的家长们分享。这个“四年规划”未必完美,但可以作为参照,有比没有好。欢迎微信朋友们转发、收藏,谢绝其他公众号转载! 美国大学申请正在经历一系列变革,从SAT的改革到新的大学申请系统“联盟申请系统” … [Read more...]
Which AP Classes can easily get 5s?
2017年全球AP考试成绩各分数段数据统计 Unless you are really good at certain subjects, otherwise, choose one which has the highest rate of getting 5. Read the original article. … [Read more...]
New TJ test information
TJHSST released new TJ test information. Please check. https://www.fcps.edu/node/33869 Combination of two different tests—the ACT Aspire and Quant Q—were selected to replace the old test. For Quant Q preparation, please click here for sample test. The ACT Aspire test will test … [Read more...]
SAT verbal practice : Khan Academy
https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat/sat-reading-writing-practice … [Read more...]
CARNEGIE MELLON INFORMATICS AND MATHEMATICS COMPETITION will be held tomorrow in Pittsburg. We will leave this afternoon to attend it. CMU is a very good engineering school. Its computer science graduate school ranks top #2. Its math department's ranking grows a lot after Prof. … [Read more...]
JHMT- Johns Hopkins Math Tournament experience
Johns Hopkins Math Tournament Feb. 27th, we went to JHU the first to attend the JHMT. We have heard of JHMT for a while. My friend's son Victor Xu has won my award in JHMT. It is the first time I visited JHU campus. It was in a cold Feb. Saturday. The Campus doesn't look as … [Read more...]
First PUMaC experience
PUMaC is a high school math competition operated by Princeton students. It is kind of similar to HMMT - Harvard MIT Math Tournament. My son is still in middle school. But he would like to try some high school math competition. He tried HMMT November version the year before. It … [Read more...]
Mathcounts National in DC this year!
Most states have finished their 2016 Mathcounts competition. But there are still several states not finished yet. Today, Florida will have their state mathcounts competition. The latest is April 4th North Dakota. Just hope that all states have the Mathcounts state competition on … [Read more...]
Why go to TJ?
Why are Asian parents so crazy about TJ? Is TJ really good for your kid? In recently years, University of Virginia has reduced its admission of TJ graduates from more than 100 to around 70. It also increase the GPA requirement. Many very bright kids were turned town by UVA for … [Read more...]
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