SCAT test Examples to Help Preparing SCAT test
1. What is SCAT?
School and College Ability Test (SCAT) which is developed by Educational
Testing Service (the company that administers the SAT) as a talent search
achievement test for grades 2-6. The test given is two-to-three grades
higher than normally given to students this age. The test measures verbal
and mathematical reasoning ability.
2. Why will I take SCAT?
Many world famous talent search programs like: Johns Hopkins University
CTY(Center for Talented Youth); Stanford University EPGY(Education Programs
for Gifted Youth); Northwest University Center for Talent Development
use SCAT to identify and qualify the talented youth for their programs.
Also if you score high on SCAT, you can put it into your public school
GT program application package to increase your chance of accepting
to the GT program.
3. Where to take SCAT?
You need to register online first at CTY JHU online site:
CTY Talent Search application fee is $43 in the U.S., $56 outside the U.S. The Talent Search fee is non-refundable.
One week after you successfully register, you will receive a package
from CTY JHU. It has a pre-printed label. Use that label to call Prometric Test Center
to schedule a test. The fee for the SCAT test range from $35 to $75 in the U.S.
After set up the test date and pay the test fee, it is time to familiar
your kid with the SCAT sample test now.
4. Does your practice work?
The SCAT is the registered trade mark of ETS. Author of this practice
has not seen any of the tests. But author has the SCAT sample mini test
from Johns Hopkins University CTY. I studied the mini test to be familiar
with the question format and pattern. Then I created many practice questions
for my son to be familiar with the test. My son was 6 years old and
in grade 2 in a private school. I used this practice for him 2 times.
He scored 99% for Math section of SCAT test. That is 99% comparing with
4th grader nationwide. In the following video, I showed my son’s SCAT
scores together with CogAT and NNAT scores. If this youtube video is
not available, please see the following scanned documents: SCAT
result and CogAT/NNAT result.
5. SCAT test Examples
Section1: MATH SECTION | Section 2: VERBAL SECTION |
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Click Here to get the full version of SCAT test examples-Math section for Grade 2, 3, 4, and 5! You will instantly receive a PDF file includes 75 pages which contains Math sample tests for Grade 2,3 and Grade 4, 5 plus the answer and explanation. |
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Click Here to get the full version of SCAT Sample Test -Verbal Section for Grade 2 and Grade 3.You will instantly receive a PDF file includes 55 sample questions for Grade 2, 3. |
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Click Here to get the full version of SCAT test examples-Math section for Grade 6 and above! You will instantly receive a PDF file includes 73 pages which contains Math smaple tests for Grade 6 and above plus the answer and explanation. |
Click Here to get the full version of CogAT test examples-Levels K-2. You will get a Zip file includes 3 PDF files, which contains Readmefirst.pdf, student.pdf and teacher.pdf. |